POCOP biedt een platform voor het verzamelen van
gegevens van patiënten met slokdarm- en maagkanker.
POCOP for international visitors
A new way of enrolling patients in trials is needed because of the increasing sub-classifications in different tumor types. This is one of the reasons why the Prospective Observational Cohort Study of Oesophageal-gastric Cancer Patients (POCOP) was founded. POCOP is an observational population-based cohort study in which all patients with oesophageal-gastric cancer can be enrolled. The study aims to facilitate both national and international research to improve outcomes of patients with oesophageal-gastric carcinoma.
Clinical data are retrieved from the Netherlands Cancer Registry+ and patient reported outcomes are collected after informed consent by the patient. In addition, patients can consent to participate in the Cohort Multiple Randomized Controlled Design (cmRCT). Finally, to facilitate scientific research in multidisciplinary fields, POCOP may link databases to existing Dutch registries like the Dutch Upper GI Cancer Audit for surgical insights and the Esophageal and Gastric Cancer Pearl (a nationwide biobanking project).
With POCOP, scientific research in the broadest sense can be carried out.
By collaborating with existing organizations like IKNL and Profiles, in addition to many other ones, the time investment of a hospital per patient is relatively low. Hospitals and health care professionals are involved in the performed scientific research through a deputy in the scientific committee that regulates data extractions and the development of new research initiatives.
For more information regarding POCOP and the procedure for requesting data, please contact the study team: pocop@ducg.nl